Raeford United Methodist Church
Friday, February 14, 2025
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

About Us

A Brief History of Raeford United Methodist Church
Raeford United Methodist Church was founded in 1900 and placed on the Red Springs Charge.  For several years services were held in the Presbyterian church.
On June 4, 1902 the Board of Trustees met and decided to build a building in Raeford.  The building was completed in 1903 and dedicated in 1905.  In 1908 RUMC became a separate charge with it's own minister.
The building burned on December 26, 1948.  While planning and building a new building, the congregation met at Hoke County High School.  On October 15, 1950, the first worship service was held in the new sanctuary.  The new pipe organ, a gift from the efforts of the ladies of the church, added great significance to the sanctuary.
Raeford United Methodist Church has continued to grow from a membership of 100 in 1917, to 350 in 1939, and now has around 386 members on the books, with an average weekly attendance of 102 members.  As a significant part of the Body of Christ, we open our doors of fellowship, worship, Christian education, recreation, mission, outreach, and ministries to all.  Come and join our wonderful family of God at 308 N. Main Street.
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