United Methodist Women
We are an organization of women dedicated to mission for women, children and youth. For the past few years, we’ve been celebrating the 150th anniversary of United Methodist Women. From a small classroom for six girls in Lucknow, India, we have grown, providing for 288 national and international projects and partners.
Locally, we provide Bereavement Meals for families and friends, help with our school partners and sponsor enrichment activities through the UMW Reading Program, Mission u studies, and all-together meetings.
Please join us, as we put faith, hope and love into action!
Our Circles:
Reading Missions Circle
Meets the 2nd Monday of the Month
4:00 PM at RUMC
Chairperson - Verna Barnhill
Mission Action Discussion Circle
(MAD for short)
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
7:30 PM at RUMC
Chairperson - Faye Lippard
Other Projects
Quilting- Our quilting group makes many wonderful things, including baby quilts for every baby baptized at RUMC. This group meets once a month at the church or in member homes. Stay tuned to the church calendar for the next meeting!
Military Support Ministry
Is currently collecting materials for care-packages to send to deployed soldiers. Contact Maxine Colston if you have any questions or ideas.
School Kits
United Methodist Women are collecting materials for school kits to donate to area schools. School kits include notebooks, pencils, pens, construction paper, scissors, markers, crayons, pencil sharpeners, erasers, and rulers.